When I was eleven, I saw the movie Patton at the Midland theatre in Kansas City. For 2 hours and 50 minutes, I was there, every battle, every personal victory or defeat, I was there. When George C Scott, walked away with his dog at the end of the Movie, I looked around where I was sitting, to discover that my Grandmother and Sister were there also. (I'm glad they were because I'd a had a tough time getting home)
I had a similar experience with the first good stereo system I ever listened to; Dahlquist DQ-10 and a Dynaco ST-70. James Taylor was in the room.
Is this the Audiophile version of being in the zone? Are there things we can do to help transport us to this place? Meditation, Exercise, a glass of wine, a "brownie"? Is there a form of self hypnosis that takes place?