The timbre perception is my audio room could be "natural" , more natural than before acoustic treatment and control, but it will never be like the timbre perception experience in the real lived original event...
Because the timbre experience is the center focus in his sound manifestation FROM all the properties from the resonant body of the musical instrument but also from the acoustical settings of "the recorded room", then the timbre experience of the same musical event in my "playback room" will also be the sum of these TWO factors PLUS ONE : the resonant body and the original room, at which we must add now the acoustical properties of my own room...
A small room cannot disapear to let emerge "virginally and pure, without his positive and negative own interference, the "original event" itself ....
No personal room happily is an anechoic chamber, and no small treated and controlled room sound the same, by virtue of his geometry, size, topology and acoustic material and devices content...
No need to "suspend our belief" or to believe, only the need to put in place the right accoustic controlled conditions to translate one experience to another one.... The two are related but completely different: the recorded event and the playback event...
This must be evident for anyone who ever assist to a concert and listen to it recorded after that.... We musk ask them...