How, or why does an amp stand improve sound???

I love the Grand Prix shelving and amp stands (especially appearance. The only reason I do not have the amp stands is that I thought the price (especially with apex footers) was too high. Just browsed a past thread that espoused the "extreme" sonic improvement over normal stands.

To add insult to injury--let me inform you that due to lack of space with my fairly elaborate high-end system--I currently have 2 Bryston Monos on top of a nice art pedestal (pedestal is on carpet, balanced and made of the high quality black piano finish material that many speakers are made of) on top of each other with a Sony 400 DVD player on top of the top Bryston mono. I do have a glass plate made for the Sunfire amps with rubber feet between the 2 monos. There is plenty of air circulation, but again, they are simply stacked on top of one another except the Sunfire glass plate between the monos.

So--please feel free to berate me as appropriate. Will getting a couple Grand Prix stands with apex footers really improve my sound along with finding a way to get the monos on the floor as most "normal" audiophiles?

BTW--i have B&W800D's all the way around with 805's as rears / very high-end CD, DAC, all cables, Processor, Sony 5000 Blu Ray, Furman Ref conditioner.
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Rich mans "feel good".......great for looks though, and gets you extra points at audiophile sites.

Think about it?

Normal amp stands (anything fairly well made).....which allow you to place your mono amps very close to your speakers (using very short speaker cables) will improve your sound.

I wouldn't say that you should spend that kind of money without knowing that there will be an improvement, but I can say that it is easy for me to hear the differences that various cones and pieces of wood make beneath my CD transport. A less expensive alternative would be Mapleshade maple platforms with their triple point brass footers.
I can only comment on a direct comparison I made with a Grand Prix Monaco w/F1 shelves against a Finite Elemente rack using just a CD player to compare. It was definitely an improvement. Consequently when I bought my MX-Rs, I went ahead and packed up by Zoethecus stand and bought a Monaco amp stand, but only w/ standard spikes. I agree the apex footers are very expensive. Why don't you get the stand w/ standard spikes? Your dealer should be able to arrange for a temporary swap w/ apex footers for you to evaluate.