How to DIY yourself very nice Class D monoblocks

If you want to know what the hoopla is about Class D and want to put together a very nice sounding kit I have a starter recommendation for you.

Go to Parts Express and search for "ICEPower ASP"
Next, look online for Ghent Audio. They make many sets of cases.

You'll need a high power soldering iron, and screw skills.
Between those two, you can put together a very nice monoblock for around $500 a piece.

I highly recommend both. I have no financial interest in either. 
You may need wiring kits, so make sure to order appropriately.
You may not be a measurement man, but the kit has been measured and it excellent for its price.
Thanks Erik. Nice thread. I have to say I  am interested for the first time in class d amps because of the thread on a gan device amplifiers. I have a class b amplifier and it is an excellent amplifier.
I purchased a Wyred 4 Sound  St 1000 mk2 to drive Magnepan1.7s.   Excellent. I ran it with the preamp section of my McIntosh MA6900 and thought wow the Maggie’s do like lots of juice.
Class D is great and will interest many more young audiophiles.

I have a class b amplifier

I sincerely doubt that is true! :) It is A or AB.
