How to manage a big itunes library?

I have had a mac mini running itunes for about 2 1/2 years now. The inevitable has happened, my first drive has failed, at least it's icon has stopped showing on the desktop and I can't access the files.

I had a feeling this would eventually happen. I have the files backed up, but this does create a headache to fix it. The files were originally ripped on 250GB drives and the backups are on 500s. I have 5 250GB drives and one 500GB drive, all pretty much full. I have a pretty big collection, about 5000 or so CDs.

I need advise on a solid solution for this type of setup. There are some pretty big drives comming out but I just don't know what would be the best option.

Also this might seem stupid, but I am wondering if there would be any loss in quality in a copy of the original rip vs the original???
6-8TBs is one big library!

The reviewers at Newegg and Amazon don't seem to think the Drobo is TOO loud, however the new unit seems to be quieter AND runs cooler.

In your case, you may have to wait awhile for 1.5TB drives to become more affordable and even more reliable. That would give you a little more that 4TBs on a Drobo, but you may need to of them dark, shiny babies.
The Drobo appeals to me also. But I think it's loud enough that you wouldn't want it in your listening room.
Good point, Drubin.

I haven't actually heard a Drobo unit, but four spinning hard drives with a fan can't be dead silent.

Then again, any computer based system will have to contend with some level of hard rive or processor noise.
I have a Drobo and it's a wonderful product. I don't think you would want it in your listening room. It's not as loud as some computers/drives, but it still has a "presence".

I got one of the new FireWire 800 drives and new network option. I place it in a large closet where I keep my CDs and it works perfectly.

It doesn't need service and does all the "RAID" work for you. Highly recommended if you can keep it out of the listening room.
Yo Dean - Boy, the reviews on Amazon are really spotty for those units. I dunno, if you are going for something in the room I might look for a potentially quieter solution (seems to be a frequent complaint). There was a similar unit that all the photogs were raving about on the ASMP list a while back. Noise obviously wasn't an issue there so there were no comments I recall on that subject. I'll try to get the name of it. If you're on a tight budget and want to try RAID, you might want to check out the Newer Tech Gmax which I know absolutely nothing about other than it is cheap. It does not appear very modular though. I'll try to find the name of the one the shooters were using. I actually just have to cheap, quiet LACIE 500gb drives that are redundant for my music. I'd prefer a RAID solution that did it in the background automatically and may go that direction also.
