How to order Wally Tools...

I'm potentially interested in ordering a wallytractor. I've called the number on his web site several times, but never an answer. I've left two messages, and no one returns my calls. I'm curious as to how one properly places an order. Alternately, I've now seen posts here on the Mint protractor. Is that a worthy alternative? Tks.

That said, I am waiting now for my MintLP protractor, which I was told would be a 5 week wait. Better, but not great.
I must be the lucky one. I actually got my WallyTractor for VPI 10.5 arm in a week. That was a few years ago also.
It was when he first offered the product, but I got my Wallytractor within two weeks and it was ordered through a dealer. It's a terrific product!
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Elizabeth - Why would you even post that? "Go Wally!!!!" What purpose would that have other than to pour salt in peoples wounds?

"the right business model for himself."

Well, add me to the list of people who tried to buy a Wally Tractor a couple years ago. I sent him an email, he emailed back saying he had them in stock, I mailed a check and waited... a few months went by, and I sent several *polite* emails and tried to reach him by phone... nothing.

He may or may not be a "great guy" personally, but avoid him like the plague with regards to any business transaction. Completely despicable service, and frankly a crook.