I can prove your room is bad

So you want to upgrade?  You want to know what the next big thing is you can do for a better sounding experience?

Try this.  Pull up a chair 2' in front of your speakers.  If you can't move the speakers, put it up to just 1, and listen for yourself.

The difference between what you hear sitting in front of the speaker like this, and what you hear at your normal location is all in the speaker dispersion and room acoustics. If you feel mesmerized, entranced, and wowed by your speaker at 2' but not 8' you really should consider improving the room, and if you can't, consider getting speakers with alternative room coupling, like ESL's, line arrays, bi-polars, etc.

That is all,

@erik_squires The room is essential gear.

In my world my girlfriend is the ultimate Essential Gear.

Yes the room is horrible.  Absolutely, system can be improved.  But I and girlfriend enjoy it still.  As liberal as she is there are many things stereo wise I will not get away with.  Moving furniture around is one of them.  Hell will be paid if I move the speakers out into the room.  Temporarily, okay.  Been there.  Done and tried that.  Permanent?  Even with admitted "sounds better", NO.
@wsrrsw , perhaps Acoustic Art Panels may be spouse acceptable.  Just make sure it's art that you can live with - mother-in-law pics may drive you out of the room.
@kingsleuy   Hell will be paid if I move the speakers out into the room.

What is there about women and speakers being too far out into the room? I think there must be universal something in their heads that just snaps and makes them a little crazy, at even the thought...LOL...Jim
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