Thank you @mahgister for sharing your thoughts on the matter, we are on the same page. Being an audio enthusiast is to explore, and welcome both ends of the spectrum so we can turn passive, inert knowledge into applied wisdom.
For starters, I recommend for you these engineers, audio giants, columns of the audio industry: Nelson Pass, Dan D'Agostino, Peter Qvotrup, John Atkinson, and John DeVore. Listen to and read what they say. They will confirm what I summarized in my previous post. It's not an overnight thing. Getting an education takes time and effort.
Good luck for the hunt, you will enjoy it! I warmly recommend to learn from the comments of experienced posters who post here instead of being on the offensive. There's nobody here who wants to hurt you. This is a forum of sharing so we can all learn from each others experiences, especially when they are different from ours. Kind regards.