Need practical advice from practical people, My Martin Logan SL3's are "tear your head off bright". I originally had a parasound line preamp, 2 parasound 125 wpc amps in a horizontal biamp configuration. I was told to try wiring the amps either mono or vertical biamp, try different interconnects, try different speaker cables, and try a different preamp. Well, I spent quite a bit of money and sonically, believe me when I say, there was absolutely no differnce at all. I'm certain, no ear could hear even the slightest differences. I'm not getting into the brands of cables I tried, i'm convinced solving real problems with cables is just BS. I went from the parasound pre to an EAD encore. I have been able to fix the problem, and make my system sound absolutely amazing. The problem is my wife cant deal with the blankets draped over the Martin Logans in our living room. Please help and give real advice. I'm considering giving up on ESL's, however there are many sonic advantages, that I really like about them. Please dont even bother with any ideas about positioning them, they have been everywhere except in the basement.

Thanks, Steve
Trust your ears. I understand that a lot of people like MLs, but if they are too bright for you (as they are for me) and you've tried different positioning, cables, amps, etc., I'd move on from the MLs.
I didn't take the time to read the preceding posts (sorry), but do I remember correctly an interview with Gayle some time ago where someone had affixed "wings" to his MLs to
warm them up? Isn't this basically a shift in the 2pi/4pi
transition, thus shifting them to a warmer balance?
Good Luck. Ern
Well, here goes. I trashed both Parasound amps, the parasound pre, and the EAD Encore. Picked up a BAT VK200 SS amp, BAT VK30 tube pre, and a Nordost red dawn balanced interconnect, here on Audiogon.

The difference is amazing. My Martin logan SL3's are not the same speakers. The brightness and harshness is completely gone! All of my music is now warm and clean sounding with excellent separation. Further, and some, I'm sure wont believe it, but true, is my SL3's are no longer position sensitive at all! you can be anywhere at the front, side, or away from them, at any elevation, including toeing them to a point, and there is no change at all in the sound. Before, if you knealed on the floor or stood up, the difference was incredible. This no longer exists!! Second, If you stood with your back to them, and closed your eyes, you could swear you had rear channels as well. This was annoying, because the timing of it, was off. Now, that has almost completely disappeared, and you have to really listen to find it. Third, If your listening posistion was in front of one speaker, you could not hear the other speaker unless, the speaker farthest away had some predominant detail on that channel. Now, its unbelievable, you can sit right in front of one speaker and hear practically all of the detail form the other speaker. Dont figure!!

I know with everything, comes compromise, but I could use a little insight on how to possibly improve the little things that I like, and lost. The lower frequency midrange sounds diminished or pushed back a little too much, if you can understand what I mean. Its sort of smaller and sounds farther away and less direct from the rest of the frequencies. The BAT tube pre came with tubes that were furnished by Upscale, and are not the original factory tubes (empty tube boxes say 6922-Russian Mil Grey Plate). What do you think about installing back factory tubes (Sovtec 6922)? I am new to tubes so don't know much about them, and if certain tubes do one thing better than another.

I would appreciate any help....Steve
Steve, the tube journey can be a fun one as well, if you are patient and into noodling.
I would strongly recomend purchasing a tube tester to validate your purchases BEFORE installing - this may help keep part of your sanity. Finding reputable sellers is another ENTIRE thread. Be careful, there's a lot of junk out there.

http://www.tubeman.com is a good place to start.

Also, contacting Balanced Audio would be another good to start. Here is the URL http://www.balanced.com/

Tube testers, http://www2.gdi.net/~padgett/hickok.htm has some good information that may also prove useful.

Good luck to you. From the sound of this post, I am sure that you have tried a bunch of new stuff already and this may be old news to you, but hey....
Good luck and enjoy!

Sovteks get upgraded for a reason. And just cuz the tubes were furnished by Upscale doesn't mean they are necessarily Kevin's choice for that amp. Touch base with him and ask what he'd recommend. The man doesn't have the reputation he has for goofing up on stuff like this. Not that I have anything against any other vendor(s), in fact, I say ask 'em all for their recommendations, but for a one stop, quick and reliable answer, Mr Deal would be my call.
