Harbeth and Spendor are very popular modern speakers that fit the mold.
If the price is an issue with these though, do yourself a favor and check out the refurbed OHM Hs, C2s or Ls first.
I bet these designs that OHM has optimized over time since their popular heyday 30+ years ago are highly competitive and none would set you back for more than $1000 or less.
I upgraded my 35 year old OHM Ls myself recently and base my claim on what I hear there compared to all the similar contemporary designs I have either owned or heard over the years since.
If the price is an issue with these though, do yourself a favor and check out the refurbed OHM Hs, C2s or Ls first.
I bet these designs that OHM has optimized over time since their popular heyday 30+ years ago are highly competitive and none would set you back for more than $1000 or less.
I upgraded my 35 year old OHM Ls myself recently and base my claim on what I hear there compared to all the similar contemporary designs I have either owned or heard over the years since.