I love my analysis plus but...

Apparently, these Very Expensive cables are actually simple to duplicate and made with relatively inexpensive materials, his video says.

He's up to 2k views, and that's not a small audience.

Thank heavens someone is generous enough to warn the people.



Thanks hilde45.  I’m sure there’s a lot more where this came from.  Lol. 

I'm not saying this is the same wire, but it looks somewhat similar.  The manufacturer probably gets rolls of it from suppliers for peanuts:


Looking at the patent US-6005193-A and diagram, the cables OCD Mikey shows look different.  He shares flat braid with no perceptible oval dialectric inside. Where did these cables come from. Interesting, see illustration, where is 218, 230. 



There are a couple of things which stood out for me in this video.

One is that the analysis implies that a cable can be evaluated by cutting it open and looking at it’s parts. (DeCooney raises a question as to whether even that is done accurately.)

Is a cable just the parts inside? Is that all there is to cable design? That’s strongly implied in this "Wizard of Oz Reveal" approach. A lot in audio would suffer by this approach. But that’s not really fair to the work which goes into testing, materials science, and design -- for most audio. Are cables a special case of "what you see is what you get"? If not, then this video is seriously deficient and perhaps deserves the label, "disinformation."

Also interesting (to me) is how typical this kind of video has become -- not just for OCD guy but generally. It’s the "myth-buster" trope which deploys the lingo and rhetoric of techno-scientific analysis but which doesn’t follow through with sufficient evidence and argumentation. Of course, providing those would make the video too long for those simple-minded viewers who want to click on another video, ASAP. Those viewers just want their biases confirmed and their jolt of outrage for the day. That’s understood by the makers of this video. Bread and circuses for the plebs? You got it. Say what you want about ASR or Audioholics, they do not engage in this.

Ultimately, this approach is, in my opinion, destructive. It is a way of solidifying know-nothing tribalism. It elevates the maker as a "trusted authority" who lets you in on a little secret that the "powerful" and the shysters don’t want you to know. (Then, he says "Come, buy from me. Your trusted authority.") But it doesn’t teach people how to think and evaluate these issues for themselves.

Glanced at a few of his other videos, it's a shame how many people he is misleading.  Good example of knowing just enough to be dangerous.

I do really like seeing how high performance cables are constructed, but I gave up after he said they are using continuous cast copper and then suggested that #101 OFC is the same thing.

Not sure what cable industry experience he has, but I would be surprised if it is audio related.

@hilde45 I agree that this type of videos are destructive to the hobby and are likely to prevent the advancement of the industry to some extent.