@erik_squires i was just thinking the same thing. Seems like you love your speakers and just want to tinker. If it were me I would tinker with a kit. Scratch the itch by building a kit speaker where you can use whatever components you want. In fact, you could buy different types of wire and see what, if any, effect they have.
I’m considering upgrading my speakers internal wiring
I’m looking for objective input because I’m not sure if I’m really OCD.
I have a beautiful pair for PBN M1!5 in a Black finish which I love and sound incredible. Peter builds high quality equipment with nothing spared. I think we spend thousands on speaker cables and transport and everything that gets to the binding posts….. And then ? Internally it’s not so great.
I’m considering re-wiring including binding posts to all Cardas ..
What are some thoughts.
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- 43 posts total
Manufacturer voicing is simply another take on sonic presentation, it may or may not correlate with your own preferences. This where you need to ask yourself what is missing or wrong with speakers in stock configuration. If you can't define what it is your looking for you're shooting in the dark.
As for expectations of the highest quality components based on price of speakers. Don't assume anything, have a look at those crossovers, if you've done your research you'll know quality. And don't expect the manufacturer to acknowledge they could have done better with design or parts used. They see you simply as end user, questioning them about such things will likely be perceived as criticism, you think they like that? The above based on my experience with contacting any number of manufacturers with various ideas of mine. You may perceive it as being helpful in making their product better, they don't know you from Adam, you're not part of design team. In the one case where manufacturer adopted my parts mod, while somewhat irritated with me, the manufacturer did seem curious in regard to the specific capacitors I was using.
Bottom line, you own your equipment, you can modify to your heart's content as long as its for your personal enjoyment. Manufacturer's choice of parts used and/or voicing is not necessarily some kind of objective best, there may be some untapped potential they failed to uncover. |
@mapman Considering the amount of posts you post, your comment of - 'If you want to do it do it', is,,,, useless and unhelpful. |
I took the time to look at your speaker’s crossover online and the builder makes both access and visibility of parts very easy! He did a very nice job on the design and cabinet. The parts quality changed over time with this speaker as can be seen in photos. Some images show only sand cast resistors used throughout while other images show sand cast resistors only on the low pass portion of the crossover. Some pics show the use of Clarity PX caps and other pics show the better CSA. Not sure what set you have. The Clarity CSA caps are certainly good and better than what I see in most $15,000-$20,000 speakers I have opened up. This gives us some insight into the quality level of the parts he used. Peter used air core inductors throughout including woofers. This is an indication he is both aware and takes into account parts quality. However, all the cast resistors and Dayton caps on the low pass are a place he definitely saved money. Overall crossover parts quality is a mix of good and mediocre to be honest. Peter obviously saved money on the low pass portion except for the inductor. Lastly, are you experienced with this sort of soldering and DIY work? You could easily damage drivers without proper soldering tools and technique. Are you confident you can reassemble without damage or mistakes which could prove costly and a great big hassle. Getting inside and doing this kind of work is not for the faint of heart or unexperienced. It is a lot of work with attention to the details vital. Yes, internal wire quality does matter and can definitely impact the sound! The bigger questions are: What’s already in there? What is your end goal? Are you skilled at this?
@bobbyloans If it ain't broke don't fix it.......unless you are an audiophile...you know you want to noodle around. Why not. @waytoomuchstuff makes excellent points in the how to department. But before you get to your workbench is your room treated? Second guessing oneself is par for the course. You may also need to see the voodoo priest Xanthos Terwilliker to cast a spell eliminating confirmation bias of your hometown pride in your modifications. |
- 43 posts total