I need help with this please.

I currently have a Yamaha as500 integrated amp and my music collection is almost all on an external hard drive for my lap top. I also want to listen to spotify,etc. Do I add an external DAC to the Yamaha or do I sell the Yamaha and replace with A wyred 4 sound m-INT, or Hegel, etc. The yamaha seems a bit bright, but I will eventually upgrade the speakers so the real question is... for a few hundred bucks more, will I get (upgraded?) better sound? from a class d integrated with built in dac (like peachtree /W4S) or am I better off just adding an external dac. I think the convenience of an all-in-one would be nice I'd like to stay at the price point of maybe a peach tree, W4S, NAD356dac, or used Hegel. Your experiences and thoughts please? Room is about 15 x 18. Future speakers may be kef ls50 or psb imagine, etc. Thanks! (Just trying to get nice system for the $)
Sorry, I now see that you provided your room size. As a follow-up, I was thinking that you could purchase a used inexpensive USB DAC to hold you over while exploring the market. It could then be sold once you upgrade w/o much loss.
Just for the record... I use Spotify from a mobile device without a fancy pants DAC and the sound is much better than I anticipated...note...I have premium subscription fwiw. Good luck...heard mog has better audio so if you are starting from scratch might be the place...I am familiar with Spotify features, quirks, etc so I am staying put for the moment...