I've got a basic, directional decision to make.

I have a pair of excellent monitors, GMA Europas. They are fairly efficient at 89db. I have already made a decision concerning cables and interconnects (signal cable). The decision is whether to go with an amp/pre and a less expensive source, or to go with an integrated and a better source. All of the equipment I am considering would be used, from right here on the Gon.
Specifically, if I were to go the amp/pre route I would probably go with the McCormack DNA .5 and maybe a Sonic Frontiers pre. I really like the tube pre/ss amp concept. Then I would have to go with a less expensive source, maybe Cambridge, NAD, or Sony ES.
On the other hand, if I were to go the integrated route, I would probably go with the Audio Refinement Complete. For a source I would go with a higher quality source, I'm not sure what it would be right now. Jolida? Rega? Not sure.
So which direction would you go?
The bottom line is that I have about $1200-$1300 to spend, $1500 at the outside. Living in a dreamland for a moment, what I would like is the McCormack DNA .5 SS Amp, a Rogue 66 pre, and a high quality source. So maybe the key is to find a real giant killer of a cdp (as the GMA Europas are to monitors). I'm stumped.
Any input is much appreciated.
I agree regarding the source,,,everyone says garbage in/garbage out, but if wise, no reason to have the garbage CD player,,,

I would find a used Parasound CDP-1000...which later on you can add a good DAC as an upgrade, and definitely go with the McCormack...or a used Musical Design amp.
Go with the Sony integrated amp. MOSFET output stage is smooth as butter. Great sounding, high quality amp. Big one is rated at 100 wpc. Also includes a great phono stage capaable of running an MC cartridge.
How about the ah! tjoeb cdp (w/ it's tubed output stage) run directly to an amp? The ah! has remote control volume. New, they're $800 (hard to find used). This setup would require careful matching with an amp. Call up Kevin at upscaleaudio and see what he recommends amp-wise. This way you could have it all--good source, good amp, tubes, and a remote.
Source. Period. Upgrade the amp at a later date. When you do the source, also make sure the interconnects are VERY good. Europa's will show off HUGE differences in I/C's quickly and easily. The guy that recomends dumping the Europa's has OBVIOUSLY never heard them. Again, do the source, with GOOD interconnects, then the amp. Signal Cable makes some very good cables cheap.
Have you considered going with a CDP that has variable output (volume control) so you can go right into the amp with it? This would allow you to get a better CDP and amp, in theory anyway.

One advantage with this setup is there is less signal loss. Remember, every connection is a loss of signal. Every step you can eliminate is a bonus to you.

Unless you are planning to add more sources later (i.e. LP or tuner, etc...) you will never really need a pre-amp.

The thing to keep in mind with a source/amplification question is that no amp will ever restore what the source did not get from the CD. It doesn't matter how good an amp is, it doesn't know what is missing, and if it did it would not know how to replace it.

There is something to be said for a minimalist approach.