I want it all

Anybody know of a tube integrated that has a decent phono stage built in? I've got a buddy that wants it all: tubes sticking out the top all glowing and looking cool, a minimum of 35 wpc and a slightly above average phono stage all in one box. Super happy family plusses would include at least 3 inputs (besides the aforementioned phono stage), remote control and a sub/pre out. I told him it'll never happen - if anybody out there can prove me wrong, please do. Thanks
How about the Unison Research Unico?


My friend has one. Sounds terrific!
Very nice, very nice - but no super cool looking tubes sticking out of the top. In the dark this thing would not create the romanic shadows that I believe my friend is seeking. I've actually owned this particular piece (although not with the optional phono stage) and was very pleased. Thanks for the input.
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A VAC Super Avatar. No longer in production, but used ones come up every so often. Stunning looks and sound.
That Rogue Cronus is indeed a fine looking piece. I love the sunken pre-tubes. It's got a real wack-a-mole vibe going on. The VAC and McI are both great options too. A local retailer has the McI in stock. We'll go get a listen. Thanks for all the input.