If boulder is tops what is second tier?

If we would assign A++ to boulder, what phono preamps rate as A+?
What would be considered just a notch below the boulder?
Would this include: the Manley steelhead, the Aesthetix IO signature, ASR Basis Exclusive mark II, the BAT VKP10SE super pack, the Einstein?
What others belong to this group or which of these doesn't?
All of your opinions on phono stages are valid, I posted my comments because regardless of the phono stage chosen, cables play a big role in the total performance package and should not be ignored.

Does anyone really think the Boulder phono would work just as well with the blister pack RCA's provided with a $149.00 DVD player? Can you imagine a Koetsu, Benz, ZYX, Denon or any other high end, low output moving coil cartridge passing through China blister pack cables from your turntable to the Boulder phono stage ?

Anyway I thought the designers comment, which was made with a sneer and in anger, was totally vulgar especially coming from high end company that charges what it does for their equipment.

As for performance differences between these various phono stages, I have not heard the DarTZeel that Mike enjoys. I do agree the Lamm and Steelhead are great products, I have auditioned both of them and prefer either over the Boulder.

That being said, the latest version Aesthetix IO Signature with dual power supplies and all NOS tubes is magic in my system and in the end each of us must choose what works with the rest of the equipment that makes up our system.

To further clarify the EXACT situation that occurred at CES and caused the blanket comment from Boulder, I walked into a room displaying Sound-Lab A-1 (their top line) speaker fed with Boulder electronics. I noticed that the left Sound-Lab speaker was plugged into the electric razor outlet leading from a table lamp, which was wired with 18 gauge lamp cord.

I ask Boulder (who was answering questions for all the equipment in the room at that moment) if I might check into borrowing cables from Purist, Cardas or another nearby cable exhibitor that would reach the (existing unused) wall socket with a grounded connection (NECESSARY!) for the 20K bias of the Sound-Lab speakers being displayed.

THIS is when I got the snide remark. All I can say is even if the lamp cord, table lamp, and lack of ground was not at issue, respect for the fellow your displaying with would require at least a stock 16 gauge Belden for this type of high end set up.

Over many years I've experimented with many aftermarket AC cables with Sound-Lab speakers and can promise you there ARE sonic gains to be had with premium AC cords.

Anyway, good luck Pedrillo in your search regardless of what you decide.
hahaha $30k for a phono preamp, irregardless of how good it sounds, its silly money.

There are plenty of good phono stages around with the resurgence of vinyl. I suppose this thread took a turn with the mention of Boulder, which actually isn't what the threadstarter was looking for, so really, I don't know what all the fuss is about.

Anyway, with the quoted budget, I would agree with Tswhitsel on the Herron. I have never regretted buying one.
Raul sez:
you must to have a wider budget and if you don't have it a this time my advise is that you wait a little till you have a serious money for a serious phono...
I would generally agree; maybe a diy (if you're into that sort of thing) would be an interim and affordable solution for now. Or modding an existing unit --for example people have improved on the EAR.

Speaking of branded finished goods out there, I can mention certain units that were in the "superior" league (i.e. better than a "good phono" that has some magical strengths and a few weaknesses):
*FM acoustics: undoubtedly one of the best I've heard, and very versatile. The "cheap" offering must cost ~10-12k (?). It's "cheaper" because it's single-ended input (not balanced).
*Manley Steelhead; see above
*Clearaudio "reference" s/thing or other -- the one that comes as two mono boxes each with an external PS.
*A Goldmund stand alone from ~8yrs back. It was also included in certain pre's they sold back then (one being the Mimesis 7.1 or s/thing close).

Now, there are many I've heard and do not wish to go into here. There are also many I haven't heard and can mention two here: the latest Aesthetics, for example (see Albert above); the Dartzeel (see Mike, above).

It seems that the only way to have a great phono within financial reason is to diy; but, unless you're ready to research, you need an excellent schematic...
Coming to think of it, try Raul above -- send him a case of wine, maybe it'll work: he has built a good one:)
I would put the Einstein up against any of them, not just because I'm a dealer.
Again I want to thank you all for the help, I am really into the analog portion of my system.
Yes Rauliruegas I know $3k is not much but I beleive that there are many phonopreamps out there that can be bought used at this price range that will compete with or come close enough to the best, for example: Xono, Herron, Evan's The Groove, E.A.R. 324, JLTI, K&K and so on.
Would I be asking too much if I asked the a-goners here to make a short list of 3 or so phonopreamps that deserve to be mentioned?
I now own the E.A.R. 834p and cannot believe how goood it is and that means also how good the sysytem as a whole is.
I would like to push the envelope to a higher level.
Am I missing something here or am I making sense?