Gentlemen - I usually refrain from contributing to such post but I'm compelled to do so this time.
First - a system has to be of high fidelity to be able to distinguish the differences of anything. The system includes equipment, it's set up and the room acoustics.
Second - EVERYTHING matters. Everything!
I switched transports, from a Meridian 800 transport to a Oppo 205 used as a transport. In both cases, a $4,500 (retail price) MIT coaxial digital cable was used. The Meridian sounded natural and dimensional with a wide, deep soundstage.
The Oppo sounded thin, artificial and lacked any dimensionality. Also, the bass was significantly compromised.
I usually state anyone is welcome to come listen for yourselves but my system is not operating because my wife issued me a divorce, which we're in the process of completing.
Jasonbourne71 - when I get my system operational, I'll offer to pay for your transportation and lodging to come and listen to my system if you agree to post your experience. Friends told me not to do it because you would be biased. I enjoy sharing good music and would enjoy experiencing your reaction - no matter what that reaction may be - because I'll gain insight to individuals. You'll either clearly hear a dramatic difference or your won't.
To be completely honest - I'll also have others present during the demonstration who will select their favorite and describe and write down what they hear for each session, so it will be a collaborative effort. And, of course - it will be a blind listening test with a variety of things switched in random but documented order.