If upgrades were no longer possible would you be

satisfied with what you have? I would. My system is probably average by most audiophile standards but I love it. Nothing wrong with the constant quest to improve but still, if it doesn't get any better than this for me I'm not upset.
This is easy for me to say as I'm awaiting my last upgrade. I had the fortune to hear an earlier version of it (won it used) so it naturally whetted my appetite.
My search is over.

Strike that: I 'need' to upgrade my power cords to match the other cables in my system.
And maybe some room acoustic treatment.
A panel here and there.
I could be completely happy with the equipment I have. I went 20 years at one point with no changes, have had a flurry in the last 5-6 years, and I'm slowing down once again. Once I settle on a tuner to have modded, I'll be pretty much done except for maybe some tube rolling. Does tube rolling count?

With my main system components in place for a couple years now I will say no. However, as I begin the trek into pc audio, it looks like all bets are off until I get this right.
Waiting for my system to settle in after tearing it down for home improvements. I made a few tweaks just before moving it. I hope I'm satisifed with it after this. If not, the beat will unfortunatley go on.
If you love the sound of the music you hear from your system then upgrades are not necessary. Getting more of what you love is what becomes most important. If you don't have vinyl and you want vinyl then whatever you buy is not an upgrade. Music servers and internet radio are a huge bonus, not an upgrade if you don't already have that capability. Any new revolutionary technology (like maybe holographics or something) is not an upgrade. As you can tell this line of reasoning allows a wide latitude and justification for the spending of money on our hobby. I can remain loyal to my present components as long as they continue to work.