A plug-in high-pass filter like you describe will roll off the bottom end of your main speakers at 6 dB per octave (it's a capacitor selected with the amplifier's input impedance and desired rolloff point in mind).
Whether or not it will help get a better blend with your subwoofers, I can't predict from here.
Are you already using some sort of high-pass filter on your main speakers?
Are your main speakers sealed or vented (makes a difference in how rapid their inherent rolloff is)?
How steep is the low-pass filter on your subwoofer?
What ballpark crossover frequency are you using?
Whether or not it will help get a better blend with your subwoofers, I can't predict from here.
Are you already using some sort of high-pass filter on your main speakers?
Are your main speakers sealed or vented (makes a difference in how rapid their inherent rolloff is)?
How steep is the low-pass filter on your subwoofer?
What ballpark crossover frequency are you using?