Indispensable Tool!

Here is an indispensable tweak that delivers on its promise! After a couple of passes, use Cut 3 every couple of weeks to "perk up" your system.

I'm in no way affiliated with Tellurium Q.




No problem downloading the link that Tellurium emailed to me. Imported the tracks to Roon Nucleus+. Began running immediately. Mind you, at very low volume. Tellurium suggests normal listening volume as well as playing Track 3 every 3 or 4wks to "perk up" your system. Casual listening only this far, but I like what I'm hearing in my already seasoned system. Will provide my impressions after some more critical listening. 


I've been using this for years:

It does the same thing: cleans out the cobwebs. 

All the best,

It's January 1st, not April 1st. This is the most ignorant thing related to audio I've seen in a while and they're soaking the gullible for at least $28. Unbelievable.