Indispensable Tool!

Here is an indispensable tweak that delivers on its promise! After a couple of passes, use Cut 3 every couple of weeks to "perk up" your system.

I'm in no way affiliated with Tellurium Q.




It's January 1st, not April 1st. This is the most ignorant thing related to audio I've seen in a while and they're soaking the gullible for at least $28. Unbelievable. 

Get a CD or stream Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music to give your system a good workout! Not recommended for musical enjoyment!

And that's why I love this site.  The "I've never tried it but you're a fool for thinking it could work" crowd.  You only champion the tweeks you believe in?  Big money PC anyone?  🤣

       PLUS 1 for the Irrational But Efficacious CD.

       The White, Pink and Brown Noise tracks are also handy for burning/breaking things in, when programmed to repeat.