Thanks M-DB…. My model is the SPLR series, model is the SPL 10 RCH.
Don’t have the calibrated mic but it should be easy enough through experimenting to get it integrated with my speakers.
Going to try that today.
just got the system hooked up (without subwoofer) and to be honest I’m underwhelmed ….I know this is a great little system for my small apartment but over the last year I’ve been trying out different high end headphones and since I enjoy “excitement” and bass over something like the HD800s headphones I settled with the Fostex TH900 headphones which I really love, especially for their bass.
I understand a system vs headphones is a different experience but the sound enjoyment level just isn’t there on this Benchmak system (yet).
Part of the problem is not being able to play at a volume I prefer without bothering neighbors. The other problem is room treatment and the small size of the room.
I ordered thick curtains for all walls with pairs of curtains on each wall so I can open them so as not to deaden the room too much and I’m still experimenting with this.
The room is only 8 feet wide so I’m probably losing sound stage. I brought the speakers closer to the listening chair to make a “triangular” listening point (sitting same distance as the speakers are apart) and this made a big difference and now the speakers have “disappeared”. Still, I’m far from content.
Its hard to be objective (does this sound good or is it awful) since I haven’t been able to listen to others similar systems in a perfect room and maybe I’m expecting too much based on my great satisfaction with the lively sound through these headphones. Maybe I’ll get a bit closer once I hook up and dial in this subwoofer and work more on room treatment.
thanks again