Inside the Iso Acoustics mechanism

So what us inside the device? Springs? Dampening material or a combination? Thanks


Recently added a pair of Gaias to my system and am  working on a proper review.

They certainly do work. It's not hard to find.

My main problem is: How do I double-blind these against the stock spikes?!?! Else, how will I ever know whether I was ripped-off or not? Maybe someone should ship a set to ASR so we can get the true low-down on these devices.

Still working on how to double-blind All-Clad cook ware and my LG TV.

Recently added a pair of Gaias to my system and am  working on a proper review.

Not many speakers will balance very well on two Gaias; even less so if they are split between two speakers.




Me to, until double blind… then ASR… maybe Fox News can shed some light.

If you need Fox News to ship the light then you are beyond redemption. CNN will not help either.