Integrated for Dad

I'm looking to get an Integrated amp for my Father for under $1,000. I'm looking at Creek, Rega, etc. but haven't heard any but the Rega. Any recommendations would be helpful. Older used stuff would be great. The less he spends the better for him. We're definitely looking for best bang for the buck. He listens to mostly vocals, and Jazz, and has no desire for big bass. It would be teamed up with a modified Rotel 970 CD player and new Polk R25i speakers with Kimber 8TC. A phono stage would be best, but we can go external if need be.
Check with Artech Electronics (do a web search-they're a distributor) to see if they have any Audiolab 8000A's left; they selling them I believe around $550-phono stage MM/MC but no remote, or the 8000S with remote but no phono. Excellent value for money and even better with a decent aftermarket power cord-I use a Blue Circle BC 62 with my 8000A and some are for sale on Audiogon new at $125. I'm also using 8TC.
If you'd consider a tube gear, I'd recommend GW-Labs Cyclops. I've owned one for almost an year, and it is amazing how this small tube integrated amp stands its ground against more expensive SS amps. I think the price was $900 from Of course, you'd have to consider the efficiency of the speakers first, as it only puts out 12WPC. It doesn't have a phono stage, and only two source inputs. Good luck.
I'd reccommend a used Classe CAP-100. It's built like a tank. The phono section was $200 extra when I bought it new. I drive Spica TC-60's with it which I originally thought was overkill but I love the results. Good luck.
You might want to check into the Sim Audio I-5080. There are a couple of used ones on AudiogoN for around $800. I have had great luck with Sim equipment. What a great gift for your father. Good luck finding him something nice.