I followed Harvey Rosenberg's advice on interconnects and speaker cables and am very happy with the result. I used 22ga. magnet winding solid copper wire in polyethelene oversize tubing to get mostly air dielectric for my speaker cables. I used 30ga. of the same type wire in a configuration described on Tweaker's Asylum for the interconnects. Consists of a polyethelene tube wrapped with teflon tape and the wire wrapped in a double helix pattern around the tube and then covered with teflon tape again with RCAs soldered on both ends. Sounds great with my Berning OTL and single driver speakers. I used the extra $980 to buy music. Good luck.
Interconnect & Speaker Cables for tube amp?
I have just purchased a brand new pair of KR Enterprise top of the line KR8000 monoblocs and need help regaridng ICs and speaker cables. I'm looking for warm, detailed and silky smooth sound. My current IC is Music Metre silver and speaker cable is Cardas Golden Ref. Compared to the same system, except for Sim Audio I-5 instead of the KR8000, the sound now is too bright and aggressive. When I replaced the Cardas speaker cables (worth around 2k)with a $75 Audio Note AN-D, the sound is much smoother and acceptable. So please I want value for money. My budget is $1000 for the cables. Can anyone advise me on Audio Note silver cables?Many thanks.
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