Interconnects for the nuforce amp

Any suggestions? I bought a very fine $200-plus interconnect, but it seemed to slow down the sound and wouldn't play the deepest bass(it also took away a bit of excitement. This has made me gun-shy. I was thinking of the fifty-dollar ccc vampire, just to hear ccc. Others that interest me are audiogeek nitrogen, vh audio pulsars, and I forgot the other. I use(currently) Fulton gold speaker cable and was able to get some Fulton brown interconnects to work(they short out at times-I don't think that is good). I listen only to analog
I'm using the SignalCable Silver Resolution interconnects with great success. They are astoundingly good on the NuForce Reference 8 and 8B amps. And the Silver Resolution Speaker Cables are a great match as well, and provide amazing speed, detail, and range. If you're using decent power cords you'll be amazed at what this setup will do...
Thanks Plato. I looked them up. Great introductory price. I may not be able to get both interconnect and speaker cable(I hope that intro price holds) right now. But I do believe in synergy, meaning both(interconnects and speaker cable) designed to go with each other. That's the only thing I have to think about.