Interconnects for the nuforce amp

Any suggestions? I bought a very fine $200-plus interconnect, but it seemed to slow down the sound and wouldn't play the deepest bass(it also took away a bit of excitement. This has made me gun-shy. I was thinking of the fifty-dollar ccc vampire, just to hear ccc. Others that interest me are audiogeek nitrogen, vh audio pulsars, and I forgot the other. I use(currently) Fulton gold speaker cable and was able to get some Fulton brown interconnects to work(they short out at times-I don't think that is good). I listen only to analog
Plato, I just ordered a 57-inch interconnect and 8 feet of the speaker cable (both silver resolutions) from Signal Cable. Thank you. I just want to be sure that the tinned wire of the speaker cables will fit on Nuforce's Cardas binding posts. I have one other interconnect in my system, between my turntable's rca juntion box and Fidelity Research(it might have silver windings) cartridge transformer. I just purchased an Eichmann I express 6 interconnects, and this or the Oritek X-1 interconnect will go there for now(all my Fulton browns have conductivity problems- by the way, I pulled off one end of one of the Fulton's, and it does not have a copper color. It has a silver color.) What do you think?
I just put in the signal cable silver resolution interconnects. They replaced Eichmann 6(mkI) interconnects that weren't broken in yet. Right at first, I thought they were an improvement. It's only been 15 minutes. They sound a little harsh. Does that go away, or am I a copper guy? I only mention this because other people have said that they are great from the get-go. It's all about brain waves-not what you hear.
I want to apologize for my comments after 15 minutes of the Signal Cable silver resolution interconnects. It's like the guy feeling that elephants nose(or whatever they call it). It was way too soon. With some judicious adjusting of the volume, it was clear that the wholistic sound was better than what I had before. This is without even using the Signal Cable silver resolution speaker cable-which I won't use until at least 50 or 100 hours, as recommended.
I have the Silver Res. ICs. They sound very natural. I'm sure after the 50 hours burn in, you'll really like them. Let us know how the speaker cables work out.
They keep getting better. I haven't put in the speaker cables yet(I'm using Fulton Golds while I burn in the silver resolutions). I will post soon on the silver resolution speaker cables(8-feet, per Mapleshade recommendations). By the way, my interconnects are 57-inches, per Robert Fultons recommendations.