I find that they work well together-the McIntosh 12000 and the SF Amati Tradition speakers. They are located in our main room, not in the smaller acoustically-prepared room where I had the ARC monoblocks and the Wilson DAW speakers. I love detail and timbre, so the new pairing is not as focused, but I can listen and move around more without losing the sound - I sacrificed focused listening with incredible detail for a sweeter, more generic sound. The one thing lacking is bass, and that may be a room issue, and I noticed that some folks add subwoofers to the Amati speakers, but that is too much for me. It has worked out to be a good compromise.
Is a McIntosh MA12000 a good fit for a Sonus Farber Amati Tradition?
My life has become crowded. I have a dream system (for me), including Wilson DAW speakers, an Esoteric X-01D player, and ARC SE500 SE monoblocks; I am trying to simplify my life.
I am looking at connecting a McIntosh MA12000 integrated amplifier with Sonus Farber Amati Tradition speakers (used). Do you think this is a good fit?
Thanks - Gerry
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