Is DSD download already an extinct format?

I recently purchased a Benchmark DAC 2 which supports DSD decoding following an article from Robert Hartley indicating that Sony would release all of its music catalog in DSD download format. As of today, there are only 358 DSD downloads available from Acoustic Sounds. On average the DSD downloads is music that is 30-45 years know the same stuff you already own in CD, DVD-audio, SACD. Just getting tired of purchasing Getz/Gilberto in all formats.

Record companies, please give us the new music in Hi-rez format rigth off the bat and stop giving us the better resolution years later!
"Mapman, I have been enjoying dramatic improvements in my audio reproductions the last several years. This has many roots but I will not bore you with them. What has happened is that I am getting realism that I never thought was possible and I have learned how fragile that realism is."

Same story here.

PCM has not gotten my attention to date. Too many other fish to fry until the unique value might become clear.

I am a computer systems/software engineer by profession and am tasked to understand new technology daily in my role. Adding DSD to my list of things to try to understand better when the right time comes.
Since there is hardly any DSD or even high res music available I agree. DSD is dead in the womb.
Mordante, pardon the pun, doesn't the first part of your name "mort" (ok there is a t instead of a d : )) say it all. Pour mes amis seulement. In the womb is a little harsh isn't it?
Bien sur Ptss. C'est fou!
J'ai beaucoup de DSD. PS3 c'est genial...gace a Dieu!
I am not disputing the merits of DSD...that's in the eye of the beholder...and true...from a production angle it will have its niche...but Sony is a big company who expects BIG profits...and on the commercial side...there is not enough consumer demand...if there was....we have seen a vast array of hi rez downloads...remember, superior technology doesnt gurantee a place in the audio market...Sony had the arrogance of pushing SACd on the general public...only select audiophiles took the bait...