I understand, it’s High End audio and everyone has an opinion. Invariably someone will prefer one or the other. There will never be an universal consensus. This is why I advocate either CD transport. I haven’t heard the Jay’s Audio transports but trust opinions of Agon members who have. You’ll have no difficulty finding listeners praising either Jay’s or RS2T.
I don’t happen to agree with the “over priced” opinion, but that’s me. The RS2T offers the lowest entry price to get the Stream Unlimited CD Pro-8:Blue Tiger servo integrated drive unit.to get in other transports
1Aqua Audio Diva II (Current version) about10K
2 Acustic Arts Drive II about 17K
3 Gryphon ETHOS CD player 35K.
Jay’s Audio uses the very fine but out of production Phillips drive mechanism. I am not saying that the more expensive transports (Using Stream Unlimited) don’t offer additional feature/factors. But that Drive unit is a very important and vital piece of the sonic picture. BTW sound quality is excellent with the supplied SMPS. It’s just that good as it is, it can be further improve with a good LPS. This is what I did.
I believe if I owned a Jay’s Audio CD transport I’d be very pleased with it. Particularly their flagship CDT3 MK III. I do not believe that there is only one path to excellent CD sound. I just happen to know based on my own experience the RS2T is one way to get there among others. Agon member wig has owned the CDT2 MK III and has the RS2T. You should email him via this site.
Bottom line is I don’t believe you could go wrong with either transport, either is capable of making you happy in my opinion.