Is the Cassette Recorder Dead?

Need a tip from Audiogon Members. Your opinions on Cassette Recorder vs CD recorder. Looking to add one to the system. Has cassette outlived its usefullness? Are the CD recorders the future? Replies greatly appreciated.
I have both and still occasionally make tapes for my walkman, and for my trucks cassette player. But, the CD recorder is the way to go because of the versatility and sound quality of CDs. And CD players are (rapidly?) replacing both portable and vehicle casette players. Also, I think CDs will last almost indefinitely if taken care of properly. This is all IMO. Cheers. Craig.
I make a lot of temporary cassette tapes for listening in my car and other places, to familiarize myself with music I need to learn for a group I sing with. The low cost and the fact cassetts are easy to use over and over again makes them still the way to go for me. Also considering what a lot of folks are still willing to pay for used high end cassette decks makes me believe there are still lots of fans out there.
Vinyl records and VHS have been around for years after their reported death. I suspect when you see cassettes stop being made it will be another 5-10 years till they are not relevent anymore. Cassettes are so widespread they will still be used by many 10 years from now. CD recorders can produce thin, lean sound unless you get into the higher end.
I use our little mini system with a dub deck to listen to my wife's collection of some 300+ tapes. I do not patch it through the main system as the sound quality of the deck "and the tapes" are not that good. They sound "better" on the little system through Polk RT15 speakers. They also sound fine when played on the stock stereos in our old, older and oldest Honda's. I cannot think of a good reason to buy a better main deck to make dubs for use in the cars (due to their lowfi sound quality). And in the main system I would just as soon play a CD. I need to make dubs of her tapes as many are from the 70's and early 80's and they are going down hill very quickly. So, we really just need a deck to enjoy this old music library (mostly R&B and Disco) and to dub the old tapes onto new stock. Their are some very high quality cassette decks that come "close" to the sound of vinyl, but what is the purpose if you are dubbing from CD? If I wanted better sound in the cars I would just install a modern CD player (all in one unit with amps) and new speakers at a very reasonable cost. Since we don't mind lowfi in the cars the little dub deck and the old tapes are fine. I recently ran across a Tandberg 3014 deck at the local pawn shop and went through this thought process. The deck was a steal at $950.00, but I found that I really did not need it. I would be better off spending the money on CD players for the cars. Also when buying used tapes you will find that many of them have been trashed from being played on cheap portable machines.