@lalitk --
May I remind you that this thread is about seeking differences between commercially build subwoofers. If you and @mijostyn wish to further portray the superiority of DIY designs then I suggest you start a new thread. Thank you for your consideration and understanding.
... One can always contribute here objectively without showcasing their own prejudice or hatred for commercial builds.
As I said, "If you ask me" and "to my mind" - these are merely my assessments, and I'm in my right to express them. Instead of conveniently asking a few guys to enter elsewhere because what they're saying rubs you the wrong way, not to mention that you feel the need to act like an admin, why not address the matter without throwing "prejudice" and "hatred" into someone's shoes?
'Objectively' is certainly not off-base when the emphasize is physics more than brands, hence why speaking of the design aspect (or their variations) - whether it's DIY or commercial - is a primary focus that implicitly connects to what the OP is inquiring about.
@mijostyn --
Right now it is two per channel and going to 4 drivers in two cabinets for a total of 8. All the drivers are set to form a linear array so they all work as a unit as most bass is center channel. They are however hooked up stereo because I cross up at 100 Hz. As for overdoing it the limiting factor is space. I would use 15" drivers but the enclosures would have to be so big it would be impossible to fit them in.
Makes sense. Doubling the capacity from 4 to 8 units should see worthwhile results, not least also forming a linear array this way. Is avoiding the traditional approach of DBA distributing the subs throughout the listening space due to the higher cross-over frequency?