I see no sense in arguing with you further, nothing good is going to come out of it. Remember it was you who engaged me, it was you who felt the need to advocate and pitch the superiority of DIY designs. I couldn’t care less or more, cause I already expressed where I stand when it comes to commercial vs DIY subs. Next time you chose to engage someone here or another forum, learning first what they have posted and their beliefs will help you save time and embarrassment. It’s also called ‘knowing your audience’ which involves identifying the audience and adapting a speech to their interests, level of understanding, attitudes, and beliefs.
How far do you think I’m going to succeed by pitching an idea of DIY cables to a guy who has a full loom of Nordost Odin or Synergistic Research SRX?
My suggestion to start your own thread was based on your posts here and after reading your system bio. I knew exactly which camp you belong to and I respect your chosen path. It’s time that you open your mind to the fact that not everyone out there is inclined to build their own subs. Some of us are just happy with our choice of commercially build subs, irrespective of brand and price of admission.