Is there a cheaper alternative to this:

5° Slant Riser Base For Model Five (  either wood or steel, or whatever. doesn't matter, really.  thanks in advance. 


As speaker stands go that's a pretty low price and they were designed for your speakers seems like a no-brainer to me .

Whatever you get better be the same height and have the speakers at the same angle as the real stands or the speakers will not sound as they were designed to be. 

I have 2 sets from Etsy. One welded steel like these and the other solid oak. Both about half price or less. Once set up feel the base. If it vibrates a little then use some flat thin rubbery wedges, like Herbie's or even cheap ones, or you can cut them yourself. I think the metal one came with them. I also had to adjust the throw, or degrees, by either wedging just the front or rear base, to align tweeters. Depending on your throw a tiny amount of lift to front or back results in many inches of change.

If you’re handy it seems to me that some simple wood work could achieve  the same endpoint

"$174.99 each" "You can buy two for just $349.98!"

What a deal - the price of two is exactly double the price of one.  Maybe if you buy 4 you can get the giveaway price of $699.96!