Is there a killer preamp for 1500?

I'm looking for the best preamp I can get for $1500 or less. I like tubes, but will consider SS if there's a compelling reason. I've been using passive preamps for the past year and really appreciate their transparency, openness and silence. I'm looking for similar qualities in your recommendation.

More than likely, I'll be buying used. Phono stage is unnecessary. Remote volume would be nice, but it's not a deal breaker. Amps are Antique Sound Lab AQ1008. Input impedance 100k. Input sensitivity 1v. Speakers are Alon Model V.

Any thoughts on the usual suspects?

AI Mod3A
Rogue 99
VTL 5.5

Thanks for your help!
You might want to add the Cary SLP98 to your list. It is an exceptional preamp and a used one can be had on Audiogon in your price range.
I would say take a hard look at Space-Tech-Labs, hand built by one man in Vancouver Canada. Albert is very well respected, quite a few people have sold much more expensive preamps to get into his stuff. Not audio porn, just very high quality with some unique designs. I will be having him build me one in the near future.
The AI MOD preamp I had was very high gain, 30db so keep that in mind if your amp has 1v sensitivity. I couldn't live with the gain issue, very little volume control and tube noise was easily heard with 89db speakers.
I'll just throw this out there. a Accuphase C200 is currently on ebay for 800. I currently own one since new and recently purchased another....I like em. I don't no if there is a preamp with the same build quality. Even stock they sound wonderful...but my upgraded one with Nichicon fine gold caps is absolutely stunning. So for about 1150-1200 bucks upgraded you could have a very nice preamp with many features and sonic performance that would give many high-end preamps a run.