Is there any one piece of vintage gear you most wished you owned?

Assuming vintage interests you, what one piece of vintage equipment would you most like to own? 


Kind of sort of.  A re-made Snell A/III perhaps.  Absolutely limitless bass and stereo image.

Would I buy one now?  No.  The woofers were made with extra mass and the mid and tweets are seriously outclassed today by better models... but if a modern remake appeared,  especially the curved upper baffle and huge bass cabinet I'd have to give them a listen. 


  Maybe, just maybe to own even one CD player that worked for more than 2 years, vintage or not!

I have a Phillips CD 880 that I bought new in the late 80's. It still works perfectly. It has never been serviced, and its gorgeous looking.

A pair of Western Electric 59A amps with meshplate 252 output tubes.  The tubes alone would be worth north of $60k, so the amps would probably be north of $150k.    I’ve heard a single amp, not a stereo pair, and it is easily the second best amp I’ve heard.  The best, a one-of OTL would be a good choice too, but it is a bit scary operationally, so I would be more comfortable with the 59A, not that this would ever be a reality.