Is this my Imagination? Shunyata Hydra 6 Delta and some power cords transformed my system.

No this is not product placement advertising, I recently built a new audio rack and decided to upgrade the power distribution feeding my mono block amps, Lumin streamer, and ARC CD9/ DAC. Previously I was only using PS Audio High current ultimate outlets for the amps. My system was great but had a noticeable background hiss / hash noticeable very close to speakers or on very quiet passages. Not a huge issue because I usually like loud Rock N Roll.

I have read some very impressive reviews on Shunyata Research products, but I thought that their prices were a bit wacko for power cables and conditioners. Having survived C-19, my audio motto is F-it go for it.

So, I get this power distributor with the recommended Shunyata cable and added some high end power cables from Kimber, Harmonic Tech, etc. and gave it a shot. The hiss and background hash is 100% gone. This seems to have elevated the system to a new level of clarity and detail. I can hear background vocals more distinctively, and there seems to be a much clearer decay in instruments too. More lifelike. Overall micro detail seems so much clearer. How is this possible? Has anyone else experienced similar things?

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Shunyata is on the curing edge of power issues.
Like very few other companies, they have a separate division for medical and military. Ie.: power for MRI machines.
Not weird at all & great to hear. Power cables (& the right conditioners) can substantially upgrade your sound quality. It has in my system. BTW, you probably got some improvement with the new rack as well.