Is This the Essence of "The Audiophile Dilemma?

"But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for
But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for
But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for
But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for..."




People change components and cables, looking for better sound. Reminds me of the drunk looking for his car keys under the streetlight. "Where did you lose them?" "A block that way." "Why aren't you looking there?" "The light is better here."

Often, a modest expenditure on room acoustics will provide more improvement than the latest, greatest component or (most certainly) latest, greatest wires. But not as fun as shiny new gear nor as easy to sneak into the house as new wires.

I wonder how much audio equipment Jasonbourne52 has? Most people would think the same thing of you.


If you don't know what you want/need, then ask someone who does- like a good dealer like John Rutan (Audioconnection), because he does know. And, I say this as one who never trusted a dealer until Johnny.


Live music is your guide, and patience your friend.

Ok, perhaps. For some music. Sitting...7th row center? Further up? Back? Ok, we can just rough it out.

Dark Side of the Moon and everything else multi-tracked, mixed, tweaked, etc. -- live music is not a guide.

Electronic music, made with synthesizers, computers, etc.? Live is not a guide.



Take a look at Jays Audio Lab on FB! He's gone through over 60 amps in his search for perfection! IMO this is certifiable behavior - time to call the men in white coats!

Agree. Has his room changed in that time? Have speakers, DACs, other things changed? Has his preferences changed during his auditions? What keeps his compass pointed at the north star and his variables stable? Or is this more of a kind of performance -- something like one would see at a carnival. "Watch the spinning plates, kids."