Is VTA and SRA the same thing?

Hi Audiogoners.
I understand ther refer to Vertical Tracking Angle and Stylus Raking Angle.
What I would like to know is are they the same thing? I mean, every time we change the VTA, let say 1degree, then the SRA will change the same 1 degree?
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Cleed, excellent geometry. If you think things sound better a little off parallel knock your self out. All my cartridges are have very small fine line styli. Moving off parallel only make things sound worse so I don't bother any more. It could be psychological as I have no way to AB it. There you are. Oh, I am a neurotic perfectionist. I is usually not a fun trait.
Guys. Jeesh. You move the arm up or down until your ears &/or electrical measurement system tell you that best results are obtained. Surely this academic squabble over definitions is meaningless in the practical domain!
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