The DVPS9000es is not multi - channel (KR4, I think you're confusing it with the xa9000es. Sony sure does love that 9000es moniker! The DVP999es is. Sometimes the player (9000) will not pick up on the 2 channel layer for whatever reason. I have the 9000 and it does do it once and a while. The 999 hasn't exibited the same problem. It loads up and plays whatever you set it for. My old xa777es wouldn't switch from the CD layer to the SACD layer and back a bunch. You had to open the drawer and reclose it when it got hung up. I hope they corrected the problem on the xa9000es.
I've had a little trouble getting my Wadia 861se to read the CD layer from a SACD. So I really don't know what the deal is. I suppose it could be a defect with the layers on the disc or who knows. It also seems the drives on less expensive machines are getting somewhat problematic since we had to go from CD transports to DVD and/or CD Rom drives. Now you really have to pay for a solid drive.
I've had a little trouble getting my Wadia 861se to read the CD layer from a SACD. So I really don't know what the deal is. I suppose it could be a defect with the layers on the disc or who knows. It also seems the drives on less expensive machines are getting somewhat problematic since we had to go from CD transports to DVD and/or CD Rom drives. Now you really have to pay for a solid drive.