It’s true what they say/and a question

Last night I heard the Marcin Wasilewski Trio in Baltimore.  Wow! Not only did it restore my faith in humanity—if three guys could produce such beauty, we as a species can do anything—it also proved the old adage that listening to live music is essential. I was enjoying the music and comparing what I heard to my system. I was very very pleased. I feel my system is fairly dialed in. Piano bass and most of the drums.  If anything the tom toms sounded a little more real, a little more fluid than at home. So here is my question: what are some tracks that reveal that tom tom sound? Cymbals, snare and bass I got. I’m looking for something that will highlight the tom toms. 


Micing a drum kit is very tedious. Each head should have it's own mic. High-end studios used to do that (some still do) but with the digital mixing board assist all that tedious micing is not considered "necessary" any longer. 

Given your system's detail I'd guess the toms weren't mic'd. 

Gavin Harrison's drum is probably better mic'd than anyone. Plus he is one of the greatest drummer around.


"0.01% of us the ones with the talent and the eventual instinct to save humanity."

As a "YOUniter" I’m with you. Sometimes it seems a bit like attempting to clean up your neighborhood with a battery-powered leaf blower -- during an F5 tornado.