I have to say that looking at the latest measurements from the JA perspectives I am not sure if JA is applying his trademarked crossovers here. The measured impedance and slopes seem rather conventional.
This paragraph from Stereophile is curious:
This does not of course negate the quality of the sound, or the value of the finished product. I'd just be cautious about ascribing the end result to the Infinite Slope crossovers.
This paragraph from Stereophile is curious:
Speakers from Joseph Audio's early days used crossovers featuring Richard Modaferri's patented Infinite Slope topology, in which a modest network (in terms of number of components used) produces high- and low-pass filter slopes in excess of 100dB/octave. The Perspective and the Pulsar, however, use what Jeff Joseph calls an Asymmetrical Infinite Slope Crossover set at 2kHz, which attenuates the woofers by about 41dB.
This does not of course negate the quality of the sound, or the value of the finished product. I'd just be cautious about ascribing the end result to the Infinite Slope crossovers.