Mary Halvorson had 2 great releases in 2022.
Her 2nd, is Belladonna.
It is more in the chamber-jazz mode. She is a pretty creative musician.
Jazz for aficionados
Janel Leppin and Ensemble Volcanic Ash Some excellent chamber -jazz, with cellist Janel Leppin.
I have a different experience. I also came to jazz through the fusion of the 70’s (Mahavishnu, RtF, Iceberg, Gong, etc, etc), and then began to appreciate jazz from the 60’s. But not too much from the 50’s. Post-bop. modal, avant-garde are my main interests in pre 70’s jazz. But most of my taste in jazz, is from the 70’s forward, up through the present. So many contemporary jazz musicians suffer in relative obscurity, that IMO, rival some of the best from the past. And there is plenty of world class contemporary fusion, too. I also still listen to prog. There is plenty of great, contemporary prog, much of which, is not trying to copy the sound of prog of the 70’s. But even a lot of the contemporary prog, that does have a bit of a retro feel, is still done so well, that it is still well worth listening to. |
I just recently bought a copy of the new release, "Lightning Dreams" by Rob Mazurek - Exploding Star Orchestra. Very creative stuff. Borders on avant-garde at times (some may consider it fully avant-garde). A 9 piece ensemble, with Mazurek on trumpet. Craig Taborn, one of the best current keyboardists, is a standout.