Fellow Jazz Lovers:
Wynton has become the 'goto' guy in Jazz for the non-Jazz world. Need a guest on a talk show to talk about Jazz? Who you gonna call? Who gets the coverted gig at Lincoln Center? He is the face of Jazz in this country, actually the world. Don't like it, or agree, too bad.
Some feel he is not the BEST Jazz / trumpet player or indeed not even the best in his family. That does not matter. What he has, is the appropriate / required SKILL SET to represent the art form. He has it all. The education, personality, speaking ability and abouve all he KNOWS the music and it's HISTORY. And, like you said, he can play! He is a modern day Louis in that respect.
Now some players resent all this. There are not many perks in Jazz, and Wynton seems to get them all. I understand this, even if I don't agree with their attitude. The fans, are as you said. Hippness and possessors of some insight the rest of us po souls don't have, is their motivation. I understand them also.
I respect him more than any other player. He is in the arena, doing all he can to grow the music and keep it alive and relevant in today's music world. Hard to do with all the noise, static and easy undeserved money out there.
And lastly. He looks like a Jazz player! Talk about Cool and hip? That's Wynton. We need more like him!
BTW, O-10, I get Ray and Milt today. Will Report.
Wynton has become the 'goto' guy in Jazz for the non-Jazz world. Need a guest on a talk show to talk about Jazz? Who you gonna call? Who gets the coverted gig at Lincoln Center? He is the face of Jazz in this country, actually the world. Don't like it, or agree, too bad.
Some feel he is not the BEST Jazz / trumpet player or indeed not even the best in his family. That does not matter. What he has, is the appropriate / required SKILL SET to represent the art form. He has it all. The education, personality, speaking ability and abouve all he KNOWS the music and it's HISTORY. And, like you said, he can play! He is a modern day Louis in that respect.
Now some players resent all this. There are not many perks in Jazz, and Wynton seems to get them all. I understand this, even if I don't agree with their attitude. The fans, are as you said. Hippness and possessors of some insight the rest of us po souls don't have, is their motivation. I understand them also.
I respect him more than any other player. He is in the arena, doing all he can to grow the music and keep it alive and relevant in today's music world. Hard to do with all the noise, static and easy undeserved money out there.
And lastly. He looks like a Jazz player! Talk about Cool and hip? That's Wynton. We need more like him!
BTW, O-10, I get Ray and Milt today. Will Report.