Jolida JD100. How good is it?

Have been using my dvd for stereo and would like to improve. The sound is good but not great. Seems shallow. Dymanics are there but blurred together. Looking for a warmer sound and seperation of instruments. Have read reviews on the jolida but would appreciate input and any other suggested players. Price range around 500 and used will be fine unless there are reasons not to go used on a cd player. Listen to all types of music with exception of rap, hip hop, and head slammer.
Current system:
Denon avr 2800 (will go seperates soon), Onkyo integra dvd, Polk audio speakers, Bryston 3b(front two), Velodyne hgs10.

Showing 2 responses by buxter66

You will not regret it. I have the modded version from parts connexion. Extremely musical, warm, detailed, but not analytical or clinical. I hear the modded version improves the bass, but I haven't heard the unmodded player. All I can say,is that I auditioned many, many, players and the Jolida has what I was looking for. Immensely listenable.
Muralman, so what tubes did you end up with that worked in your system??? I have Svetlana in mine, which sounds very good, but I feel I could get better... any recommends?