Judas Priest 50 years heavy metal box set

Anyone own this set?

on fence for purchase, already own old LPs’, first cd editions, and the newer ones with extra songs. 
pits 515$. A lot of money.


if you have one, once you received it, did you forget about the cost?





I purchased from a seller on eBay. Keep Metal Alive!


Happy Listening!



I sent the Email notification to Kontraband. I will keep you posted upon receiving those Replacement sleeves.


Happy Listening!

@arcticdeth - as Joey DiMaio would say, "Death to False Metal'..... And yer metal ain't false! 



thank you 🤘🏻

true…false, if it rocks, I like it.

I have a few poseur-ish LPs’ and CDs in collection. 
but, it was the stuff I grew up with.

most of what I jam is “true” 

also blues I love as well. 
when comes to metal, I love it, was my true calling, has pushed me through a lot of life’s tough times, and wouldn’t be the same man I am if it were not for metal, and the first anti nowhere league  - we are…the league. The attitude, and power of that record started most of my journey, along with the numerous early bands I’ve listed in several threads in here and my weekly trips to the flea market with my Dad. 



I received a confirmation and Ticket number for my claim. I will keep you posted.

Merry (Metal) Christmas!