Judas Priest 50 years heavy metal box set

Anyone own this set?

on fence for purchase, already own old LPs’, first cd editions, and the newer ones with extra songs. 
pits 515$. A lot of money.


if you have one, once you received it, did you forget about the cost?





Thank You for your assistance. I will write my email for replacement sleeves next week. I paid $400. Not bad at all for such a comprehensive Set.


Season's Greetings!



only 400$

how, where?

pm if need to :)

now they offer free shipping from UK, I paid like 55-57£ shipping, total was beyond what wanted spend. 

 May keep signed pics, sell the rest. 
alreadt have all studio on LP, CD, some on cassettes, and a couple 8-track tapes. 

did you contact UK, about replacement sleeves? I received a bunch when my set arrived, all packed on top of the box in outer box.


they may still have a few more, if you re-sell in a few months, will make some profit.

fav LP?  sentimental reasons it’s sin after sin, then rocka rolla, bought the 8 track sin after sin long time ago for my trailer at woodhaven lakes, and rocka rolla on lp used (pristine) from a used shop in late 80’s


once defenders and screaming hit, I was in awe at the direction they took. , as I was looking for faster and heavier music by that time, I was already into much heavier by that time, but Priest really kicked high gear w those releases. 

anyway, Merry Metal Christmas to all my brother/sister metalheads in here!

my “United -30th anniversary complete box” should be here tomorrow, I hope so, amazing band. Only 500 made, I found one with extras from Japan, cost a wee more, comes with pass, guitar pick, wrist sweat band used by Ortani.

all in pristine cond.  


thanks for wasting some valuable family time reading my dribble. 
Merry Christmas to all Metal/rivet/bangers heads this season.

keep Metal alive,.












metal is not, nor ever a trend/fad/phase, it is a lifestyle!

I have been listening to metal since my first cassette purchase in about 1983-ish.

im sure I’ve mentioned, my first purchases were from a flea market near us, my Father and I would go after church every Sunday,  I ran to this vendor, who always had rare import cassettes, over a few weeks time, I bought crossfire, Motörhead, Satan jokers, tank, spartan warrior, , these cassettes were vital to my tape trading beginnings with many people in Germany, UK, Denmark, even many people in USA, who never heard many bands I acquired through tape trading, we didn’t have this internet trip, we had addresses and I gave out my ph number to many, talked to people from all over the US, IN ALmost every state, asking for, this, that! And sending out hundreds of cassettes,  I loved that, even receiving some cassettes from Shane embry, Alan marsh, and a few others, who I still have their original letters packed away somewhere. 

 I still listen and collect metal, although the LO buying has moved more towards CDs, as 1 LP either from USA, or UK, is well over 35-45 dollars, but I’ll look for a used copy if it’s something I really fancy. 

cheers to all.

keep Metal alive



I purchased from a seller on eBay. Keep Metal Alive!


Happy Listening!



I sent the Email notification to Kontraband. I will keep you posted upon receiving those Replacement sleeves.


Happy Listening!

@arcticdeth - as Joey DiMaio would say, "Death to False Metal'..... And yer metal ain't false!