just how good are soliloquy 6.3

I'm updating my old system, one piece at a time. going first are the kef104ab's. I will use my current hafler dh220/110 for a while. I have a 13x18w10' ceilings room and am considering the 6.3's (used of course). The only hold back is the weight,are they difficult to move forward and backward? I mainly listen to folk,rock,hillbilly and Jazz once in a while. Any suggestions for speakers under 2k appreciated. And yes I'm a geezer with geezer ears and think my 104ab's sound great, just want something slimmer and not as ugly

Showing 1 response by crazy4blues

I don't have any experience with the 6.3s, but I have really liked the 5.3s. For me, the 6.3s might be too much. You ought to audition the 5.3s if you have a chance. At any rate, happy listening!