I don't have room for stands so I would like to hear from you how much would I loose having the LS 50s placed in a long wooden low cupboard (the speakers will be at ear level at about 40cm from the back wall. One of them will be closer to the right wall (at about 40cm) and the other will be much farther from left wall (about 3 meters). The speakers will be about 3 meters from one another. Does this placement make sense? Is it worth purchasing these speakers for such a set up, or are there other speakers that have a less critical placement.
With all studio monitors, it is best to get some type of stand and place them 2 to 3 feet from the wall. These are really incredible sounding in a small room, and rate these as one of the best monitors I heard at the recent SHOW in Newport Beach. They had them in a very small hotel room and they sounded fantastic in near field.

PS: the rigidity of this speaker requires a long time to break in. Once they bloom, one of the best speakers ever.
YEah sealed or possibly front rather than rear ported speakers will probably be less impacted by placement in a cupboard/cabinet that obstructs sound to the sides and rear, but rear ported might still be fine. Ports can always be plugged/obstructed to various degrees as needed.

If you have the KEFs already, its easy to try for yourself and see/hear. That will tell you more most likely than anything theoretical that can be offered up in a forum in lieu of actually hearing. The ls50s big performance in a very small package would seem to lend themselves relatively well to being placed in a cabinet, I would say. I suspect some partial obstruction of the port might be worth fiddling with.
Thanks for your answers. I dont have the KEFs yet, but was wondering itf placement was critical to their performance. Just as a clarification, the place is not an enclosed bookshelf but rather like a long table or bar that is next to the wall. There will be nothing above or near at the sides of the speakers.