Kill Top End Extension - All Silver Ribbon Cables

Hi Guys,

I have a system were ALL the Interconnects and Speaker cables are all Pure Silver Based Ribbons from PSC Audio. Would any of you know, whether this would be a BAD idea, if my current system is a tube based setup. I guess I'm wondering if this whats killing the top end extension in the music. ie. the nice shimmer on the cymbals. I've changed all the tubes on the pre-amp and the Amp is only about 2 weeks old. Furthermore, the pencil valves on the CD player have also just been replaced.

System Configuration
Amp: 13E1 Tube Monoblocks
Pre-Amp - Supratek Sauvignon
CD Player - Audio Aero Capitole MKII
Interconnect: CD to Pre - PSC Custom Pure Silver Ribbons (1 mtr)
Interconnect: Pre to Power PSC Custom Pure Silver Ribbons (2 mtr)
Speaker Cables: PSC Custom Pure Silver Ribbons (2 Mtrs)

Many Thanks to all that reply...

Showing 1 response by montytx

I agree with Sean. Don't sell your Argent cables short. They are quite extended at both frequency extremes and still mighty fine cables.